Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Going to do this thing

Well, I have decided I am going to keep up with this blog. I have also decided to use it to not only talk about my kids, but to hold myself accountable to some changes I want to make in my life.
So, here it is. I need to loose some weight. Goodness, don't we all? Anyway, I also want to feel better everyday. I want my children to see me taking care of myself and I want them to have a happy momma. Here's my plan: I will weigh myself once a week. I will stop drinking Dr. Pepper and eating so much sugar. I will practice yoga at least 3 times a week. I will get up and take my kids to fun places on the weekends. I will make better food choices and I will document all the details in my cute, little orange Moleskin calendar.
Ok, help me. Hold me accountable.
I'm going to do this thing!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Too much going on...

I can not believe February was the last time I posted. Life has been a whirl-wind this Spring.
So much has happened I don't know that I can get caught up writing about it all. I will say that I have never been so challenged as a parent as the events that have happened the past few months. We are coming out the other side, but it has been a trying time.
Perspective: none of my children are seriously ill or hurt.
Challenge #1: We have had an unbelievable battle with lice this year. It all started in August and has been here and gone all year. We have now been lice-free for a month. I have struggled with the stigma that goes with having lice along with spending hundreds of dollars on lice products. We have rid our house of a sofa, many pillows, a mattress and several dozen towels. My children have spread it from one to the other over and over.
I know many people have had to deal with lice. It's not the end of the world and they do not spread diseases. They are just total pests!!

Next challenge will come tomorrow...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Things I can't live without #1

I thought, since I have 4 kids, I would start posting items I cannot live without. We do use tons of products for all sorts of things.

So, the honor of being the first item on my list goes to:

Burt's Bees Res-Q Ointment!!

This stuff is amazing! We use it on everything: cuts, bruises, bites, dry skin patched and diaper rash. I carry a tin of it in my purse and in the diaper bag. We have several tins around the house. Healing happens in no time flat and it smells good. When my kids get hurt, they immediately ask for "the green stuff". FYI: Burt's Bees is not paying me for this endorcement, although they should! Or at least send me free stuff!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Queen Elizabeth

Oh, it's been too long since my last post!

We had record snow last week. We were in the house for 5 days! You can imagine what my house looks like! We spent time reading, looking at craft ideas online, and doing a few crafts ourselves. We also played and played in the snow. I will post pics soon.

The twins have become very vocal the past few weeks. It is VERY loud in our house with everyone trying to get attention.

Elizabeth is the bossiest child I have ever seen! I think the name comes with a royal attitude! She seems to think we are all here to serve her. Lily, her identical twin, is her "lady-in-waiting". She always wants her sister to be happy. When Elizabeth is demanding her way, but not getting it, Lily will argue for her until she is satisfied. Lily is so "happy-go-lucky" and mild tempered. It is so funny that they have identical DNA, but such different personalities! They are both such a blessing and keep us very entertained.
God save the Queen (Vanpool)!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Search and Rescue Saturday

We had a wonderful day today. Because the twins are identical, we were asked to assist a search and rescue team in conducting an experiment to see if their scents were detectable by the dogs. So, in the drizzle, we loaded everyone up in the car and headed to a park in Benbrook. As we arrived, the children started getting excited at the sight of 2 bloodhounds in crates in the parking lot. They piled out of the van and went strait for the dogs. We were meet by Jennifer Potts and she showed the kids that not only were there 2 in crates, there were 4 others in the back of trucks. G.L. Potts "scented" the twins (rubbed cotton pads on their faces and clothes). He took all of us to a baseball field and had my husband and I walk with the twins up the middle of the field and part going opposite ways with each of the girls. G.L. took the big kids back to the truck to be "scented" and head to the playground with Jennifer.
Then the dog's work began. G.L. brought his dog first. He told me ahead of time he was going to give the dog Lily's scent. I stood in amazement as I watched the dog run across the parking lot and into the field. He had his nose down and was on the trail we all had walked together. Then, he turned and headed strait for us. He came running strait to Lily! She was a little freaked out. The dog was excited and he was the same height as her. We praised the dog and gave him a treat. G.L. was so happy his dog was able to tell a difference. He went back to the truck and another handler brought her dog. He was scented with Elizabeth's scent. He had a little trouble finding her as we also had some of her scent on us, it was raining and the trail wasn't as fresh. He was able to find her and I could see across the field how excited he was. Then another handler brought her dog to find Lily. Success! All of the dog handlers were so excited the dogs were able to tell the difference in the girls. It is amazing that they live together, share DNA, share clothes and are always together, and the dogs can still tell them apart.
After all that excitement, it was time to find Grace. The dog led us to the playground, where Grace and Wesley had been playing for 30 minutes. They had been all over the equipment. The dog ran all over smelling her scent. She was hiding up at the top of a slide. The dog found her within a matter of minutes. Wesley was next and he did puppy training. He had to hide, run, scream and then hide again. Then the puppy was given his scent. The puppy was so excited he found Wesley twice. Wesley loved giving him treats and hugs. He was so proud of the kiss the dog gave him on the cheek. All of this great experience and both of my camera's batteries were dead!
I am so grateful for all the people who voluntarily take care of and train dogs to do this. They are a blessing to parents and family who's child or loved one is missing. My family will gladly give up a Saturday morning, or any day, to help train and rehearse them.
Thank you G.L. and Jennifer Potts (members of our church) for inviting us today!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

One week back

Okay, I've been back to work for one week now. The kids have been back to school for a week. The house is back to being the disaster it was before the holidays. I have got to do something about my energy level. When I get home, all I want to do is sit on the couch and hold the kids. The girls are getting so big so fast and they are my babies. I just want to hold them and carry them around. Don't get much done doing that.

We hit a huge milestone this week. The girls graduated to toddler beds. They have only been in them 2 nights. They had no trouble last night and at nap today. Tonight was a little harder getting them in. They have figured out that they can get themselves out of the bed. They have not figured out how to open the door to their room.

I have a wonderful friend who let me borrow her fancy camera this weekend. I have loved taking pictures with it. I hate that it has been so cold we could not go outside. Maybe tomorrow. I think I may have to get a new camera for my birthday. I have posted some of the pictures on the post.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Back to Life

Everyone has to go back to work and school tomorrow. My dad, who has been working in Montana for the past 4 months, has to go back tomorrow too. He has to go back to very cold weather and tons of snow.
All the children were pretty good today. That is because the oldest wasn't here most of the day. The twins were in a really good mood and played most of the day in their kitchen. The house looks like a tornado hit it. I did not manage to get the Christmas decorations down. So, with that and all the presents everywhere, it is really a mess. I need another week off so I can get it cleaned up while the kids are at school.
We met my dad to get our oldest tonight. As soon as we pulled away, she and my son started fighting immediately. I don't get it!! They almost cannot stand to be around each other. I know they love each other and my son tries really hard to make her happy with him. She just starts in with him anytime he is around. I know my brother and I fought when we were young and now we get along really well and love each other very much. I pray this is what happens to my children. I try to teach them that family is the most important thing and they will always have each other to rely on and love.
So, as far as my resolution I made in an earlier post. I have taken some wonderful advise from a dear friend and decided to have quarterly meals. I am still working on a guest list. The first dinner may be artists and theologians I know. I am going to mix it up and not invite only people from Mansfield. I need to pick a day and a menu.
I also thought about something I am going to do monthly. I am going to do one art/decorating project around my house. Since I have every Friday off, I will spend most of the day working on this project. My first project is to create an art room. I said back in July I was going to do this. Well, January is when it is going to happen. I have to decide which room I am going to use. I have a choice of 2. There is a small office downstairs off the entry and there is a larger "play room" upstairs next to the master bedroom. Right now the kids use it as a t.v./junk room. Sometimes they play in it, but it is always a mess. The office is also a huge mess with art stuff just thrown in it. So, do I take the kid's room and make it a room we can all use, or do I use the smaller room downstairs? Suggestions??